Monday, July 23, 2012

How object in Java is initialized

1. A class is loaded when it is used for the first time, it is loaded from the class file (Ex. Student.class). If this class has a base class, the base class will be loaded before this class. 

2. Next, the static initialization in the base class is performed which initialize the static fields of the base class, and then the static initialization of this (derived) class kicks in, which makes sure that the base class static members have been initialized properly in case that derived class static initialization depend on them. Static initialization takes place only once.

3. Storage is allocated for this new object on the heap.

4. Storage is wiped to zero, all primitive fields of the base class and the derived class are set to their default values, which is zero or false, all reference fields are set to  null.

5. If there are any initialization at the definition of fields of the base class, it should take place at this point.

6. Execute the constructor of the base class.

7. The same steps 5 - 6 occur for the derived class.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Java Generics assignment sheet

raw type <------ any
any <------ raw type
<?> <------ any
<? extends T> <------ <T> and <? extends T>
<? super T> <------ <T> and <? super T>
<------: assign (assign from right to left)
any: all different variations of the generic class, including raw type and <T> and <?> and <? extends T> and <? super T>.

public class Main {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {

List listRaw = new ArrayList();
List<Student> listQualified = new ArrayList<Student>();
List<?> listUnbounded = new ArrayList<Student>();
List<? extends Student> listUpBounded = new ArrayList<Student>();
List<? super Student> listDownBounded = new ArrayList<Student>();

// List raw type can take all different variations of List, for compatibility reason.
List rawList1 = listRaw;
List rawList2 = listQualified;
List rawList3 = listUnbounded;
List rawList4 = listUpBounded;
List rawList5 = listDownBounded;

// All different variations of List can take List raw type, for compatibility reason
listRaw = rawList1;
listQualified = rawList2;
listUnbounded = rawList3;
listUpBounded = rawList4;
listDownBounded = rawList5;

// List unbounded wildcard can take All different variations of List
List<?> wildcardList1 = listRaw;
List<?> wildcardList2 = listQualified;
List<?> wildcardList3 = listUnbounded;
List<?> wildcardList4 = listUpBounded;
List<?> wildcardList5 = listDownBounded;

// List subtype wildcard can take <T> and <? extends T> (and as mentioned above raw type)
List<? extends Student> subTypeWildcartList1 = listQualified;
List<? extends Student> subTypeWildcartList2 = listUpBounded;

// List supertype wildcard can take <T> and <? super T> (and as mentioned above raw type)
List<? super Student> superTypeWildcartList1 = listQualified;
List<? super Student> superTypeWildcartList2 = listDownBounded;

// You cannot create generic class instance with any form of wildcard
// List listNotAllowed1 = new ArrayList<?>();
// List listNotAllowed2 = new ArrayList<? extends Student>();
// List listNotAllowed3 = new ArrayList<? super Student>();

// An "exact" type of List (no wildcards) in a generic method argument can take all different variations of List.
// The return type is the same as calling the list.get(0),
// which is Object for List, List<?> and List<? super T>, and T for List<T> and List<? extends T>.
Object objectRaw = getFirstElement(listRaw);
Student studentQualified = getFirstElement(listQualified);
Object objectUnbounded = getFirstElement(listUnbounded);
Student studentUpBounded = getFirstElement(listUpBounded);
Object objectDownBounded = getFirstElement(listDownBounded);

public static <T> T getFirstElement(List<T> list) {
T t = list.get(0);
return t;

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Java Generics Wildcards explained

Given a generic class, like List<T>, or any generic class:
When using this generic class, for example:
    • List<Student> students = StudentFactory.getStudents();
    • or
    • public class StudentList implements List<Student> {...}
    • or
    • List<? extends Student> students = StudentFactory.getStudents();
    • or
    • List<? super Student> students = StudentFactory.getStudents();
    • or
    • etc.
public class StudentFactory {
public static List<Student> getStudents() {
return Arrays.asList(new Student("Student"));
1.In the case of using <? extends Student>
    • If a method takes a parameter of type T in the generic class definition (in this case, add(T t) of List<T>), we cannot call this method. (except by passing a null, which is not interesting)
    • If a method returns type T in the generic class definition (in this case, T get(int index) of List<T>), calling this method returns Student.
2.In the case of using <? super Student>
    • If a method takes a parameter of type T in the generic class definition (in this case,  add(T t) of List<T>), we can call this method by passing any subtype of Student.
    • If a method returns type T in the generic class definition (T get(int index) of List<T>), calling this method returns Object.
For case #1, List<? extends Student> means a list of any sub-type of Student.
students can point to a List<MathStudent>, or to a List<HistoryStudent>. That is to say, a List<MathStudent> can be ‘upcasted’ to a List<? extends Student>. If a method using type T accepted others to call it with type T, in this case T is Student. Inside the method, we could do something like assigning a HistoryStudent to MathStudent, which will surely cause an ClassCastException. So the compiler refuses calling these kind of methods using T at compile-time to do avoid this run-time exception. That’s kind of one of the important purpose of Generic. But it’s safe to call a method which returns a T since, we are sure that it returns MathStudent or HistoryStudent or Student. Whether it’s a MathStudent or a HistoryStudent or a Student, it’s always a Student.
For case #2, List<? super Student> means a list of any type that Student derived From, such as People, and People’s father class, etc. 
students can point to a List<People>, (suppose that Student extends People) or a list of any base-type of Student, but students cannot point to List<MathStudent>, or List<HistoryStudent>, or a list of any sub-type of Student. That is to say, a List<People> can be ‘upcasted’ to a List<? super Student>, but List<MathStudent> cannot be ‘upcasted’ to a List<? super Student>. Methods using type T  are allowed to be called with type T or any subtype of T, in this case, T is Student. because it’s safe. Inside the method, you can assign Student or MathStudent or HistoryStudent  to Student/People (or to any father class of Student). But when a method returns type T, it cannot be sure which base class of Student it returns, so it returns Object.